【來源:福建省旅遊資訊中心 文/陳楓、吳麗瓊 圖/林瑜】
5月6日,第12屆旅博會最有科技範的活動——“旅遊+VR”高峰論壇在廈門國際會展中心的舉辦。這是全國旅遊業界首個由政府部門主辦的“旅遊+VR”高峰論壇,也是福建省旅遊局在《福建省人民政府辦公廳關於印發2016年數字福建工作要點的通知(閩政辦〔2016〕56 號)》出臺不久後召開的一次全行業動員盛會,由此吹響了我省“旅遊+VR”建設的衝鋒號角。
福州市旅遊局潘威局長做了《促進我市VR產業加快發展的十條措施》的政策解讀。福建省發展和改革委員會數位福建綜合規劃處施友連處長就《VR+新世界 新機會》題目,圍繞“VR+旅遊、VR+行業、我省政策”做了深入淺出的分享。他認為,VR是世間一切事物的新的表現方式和互動方式!他以圖片形式形象生動地展現了VR+景區、+經營者、+旅遊公益、+IT創業者、+旅遊規劃開發管理人員等各類應用場景,指出VR應用將為旅遊業帶來五個新:新技術、新景色、新空間、新業態和新體驗。北京師範大學教授、虛擬實境與視覺化技術研究所周明全所長做了題為《虛擬實境和旅遊》的報告,他從虛擬實境概念、虛擬實境的發展、虛擬實境和旅遊(Tour)三個方面詳盡闡述了虛擬實境概念的內涵與外沿,認為旅遊+VR將產生的對遊客新的旅遊模式、對旅遊企業新的服務模式和對政府新的管理模式。南京師範大學地理科學學院教授、地理環境虛擬模擬實驗教學中心主任龍毅在會上做《智慧旅遊:資訊共用與集成應用》的主題演講,認為目前智慧旅遊還處在局部智慧(小智慧)階段,不是綜合的智慧(大智慧);智慧旅遊是旅遊服務、管理與行銷的智慧集成,亟待解決資訊共用與集成服務問題,包括與智慧城市建設的有效對接,任重而道遠。他同時指出,旅遊+VR應用是智慧旅遊未來六大發展趨勢之一。作為旅遊電商的代表,欣欣旅遊聯合創始人、董事長兼CEO賴潤星從企業運營角度詮釋了虛擬旅遊的概念和現狀,指出旅遊+VR將面臨很多挑戰,如硬體昂貴問題、內容更迭問題、技術瓶頸等。騰邦全景通已引入欣欣產業園,線下智慧旅遊體驗廳——VR旅遊公園和線上旅遊分享社區平臺、平臺旅遊VR內容提供者閉環,這就是智慧旅遊產業“體驗及行銷”領域創意服務最好範例。
在旅遊+VR論壇上的致辭 Address at the Tourism + VR Forum
吳立官 WU Liguan
(6 May 2016 in Xiamen)
Distinguished guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning!
In May of 2014, I had a discussion about smart tourism with President Liu Luyuan from NetDragon and Director Chen Menglin from the Fujian Provincial Tourist Information Center, and we reached an agreement that a virtual tourism system should be built in parallel with Fujian’s geotourism resources. Although the concept of virtual reality was first raised by the American Jaron Lanier as early as in the 1980s, and the definition of virtual tourism was proposed in China early this century, due to lack of proper context, neither drew much attention back then. It was not until early this year that VR dominated a significant share of major media coverage, during both the CES in the United States and the MWC in Europe. With the rapid upgrade of technologies and innovative breakthroughs in the wearable devices, today’s VR is by no means the same as it was before. This of course has enhanced our confidence in focusing on VR construction, and is an encouragement for Fujian smart tourism companies to explore the VR territory. It will take time for VR, AR and MR (the “3R”) to become widely applicable, but we are willing to join hands with you in an unswerving exploration on the way towards a new era of tourism + 3R.
I. To drive the “tourism + 3R” construction is an inevitable requirement for the government in implementing its duties in a new territory. To provide “tourist-oriented services with complete sincerity” is a core value of the tourism industry, and to do “all for the tourists, for all the tourists, and for all concerning the tourists” is both the starting point and the objective of the government’s work. The tourism administrative departments should do what they can to realize a reasonable allocation of market resources, so as to enable effective supplies and quality services.
VR (Virtual Reality)虛擬實境,可以創造虛擬場景,實現讓人們沉浸其中, AR (Augmented Reality)增強現實,可以把虛擬場景套在現實場景,實現讓人們在虛擬與現實中互動。MR (Mixed Reality)混合現實,可以合併現實和虛擬,實現讓人們同時保持與真實場景及虛擬場景的聯繫。可以這樣認為,包括這3R在內的新一代資訊技術,將改變人們的生存方式,在三維空間之外多了個虛擬的空間,我們可以把它稱為第四維空間。它還將打破時間、空間的概念,使得所謂的穿越未來和過去成為可能。
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates virtual scenes that allow people to immerse themselves within; Augmented Reality (AR) technology combines the virtual scene with the real environment, so that people in the scene can interact with it; Mixed Reality (MR) is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. It is fair to say that the new generation of information technology that incorporates the 3R will change the way humans live. The virtual world that exists outside the three-dimensional space can be seen as the fourth dimensional space. It will revolutionize the concept of time and space, making it possible to travel into the past and the future.
從一定意義上說,旅遊是以體驗為目的,與自然、他人相互影響、相互作用的一種特殊的社會行為。互動過程中的體驗是旅遊的核心價值所在。把3R應用到旅遊產品建設,可以把不同時空的元素融合到現有的旅遊產品,提升產品的品質;可以在宜遊的環境中創造新的旅遊目標物,催生新的旅遊業態,增加旅遊產品供給。把3R應用到客人的行前選擇,則讓人們更加直觀瞭解旅遊目標物。把AR、MR應用到遊中,可以增加體驗項目,增強體驗效果。我們還應該看到,旅遊服務者互動能力直接影響到旅遊者的體驗感。 從一定意義上說,體驗是不可逆轉的,傳統做法中,通過在旅遊者身上不斷試錯來提高服務水準是無奈的辦法。而VR技術恰恰可以提供虛擬的場景來訓練旅遊服務者的業務技能,提高服務能力和水準。總之,推動旅遊+ 3R ,將會提供更加有效的供給,提升服務品質,這正是是旅遊行政部門在更新領域履職的必然要求。
In a certain sense, touring is a social behaviour by which one interacts with nature and with other people, and for the purpose of experience. The experience of such interaction is the core value of tourism. To apply the 3R technologies on tourism will allow the incorporation of elements from different times and spaces into the existing tourism products, so as to enhance product quality. This will also allow the creation of new tourism target objects in suitable environments, the formation of new types of tourism businesses, and an increased supply of tourism products. To apply the 3R in the pre-travel decisions will provide the travellers with a more intuitive understanding of the tourist target objects. And the incorporation of the AR and MR in the touring will add to the experience choices and enhance the effects felt. It is worth noticing that the abilities of interaction of tourism service providers may directly affect the experience of tourists. In a way, experience is irreversible, and the traditional method of experimenting on the tourists in order to improve the service is a reluctant choice. The VR technology is able to provide a virtual setting for training professional skills of tourism service providers, so as to enhance their service capability and quality. In short, development of “tourism + 3R” will help realize more effective supply and improve service quality, which are inevitable requirements for the tourism administrative departments in the implementation of their duties in a new territory.
二、旅遊+3R大有作為。包括VR、AR和MR在內的新一代資訊技術,來勢迅猛,將顛覆人類的生活、生產、治理方式。旅遊是個時尚的行業,理應率先應用最新科學技術成果,政府和市場必須聯手適時啟動建設虛擬旅遊雲平臺,共同推動建設一個平行于又超越于地理旅遊資源的虛擬旅遊體系。在旅遊+3R具體應用方面,至少在以下六個方面可以應用。一是製作旅遊宣傳品。可以把包括吃住行遊娛購在內的旅遊目標物做成VR產品,改變目前產品介紹僅僅是文字、圖片和音視頻的局面,把旅遊產品更生動地傳遞到人們面前,更好地影響人們的行前選擇。還可以為無法到實地旅遊的人們提供虛擬體驗。在這次旅博會上,福建智慧旅遊公司應用VR技術虛擬了廈門自貿區的產品,為遠端購物提供了更為直觀的場景。二是改造旅遊目標物。應用AR技術,把旅遊目標物的歷史、故事、文化等虛擬出來,疊加在現實的場景中,成為旅遊項目的有機組成部分,完美地實現文旅融合。改變目前只靠解說或者音視頻介紹的辦法,使旅遊者的體驗更加直觀,記憶更加深刻。在展館內,福建智慧旅遊公司在製作冰心故居的VR中虛擬了現實中沒有的翻閱先生的作品的情景。三是打造虛擬旅遊主題公園。理論上應用AR和MR技術,選擇人們喜 愛的故事作為主題,建造虛擬主題公園,培育出旅遊新業態。四是製作虛擬培訓場景。用VR技術把目前旅遊服務實訓中的課程製作成虛擬場景,替代課堂講解和實習,完成訓練、考核等環節,改變目前的旅遊服務技能的訓練方式。五是旅遊遊戲。應用MR,把目前的網游背景換成歷史或即時的旅遊目標物,將使旅遊遊戲化,遊戲旅遊化。六是增強旅遊場景雲平臺。以名人偶像、經典情景、音樂為素材,製作生產通用AR、MR產品,讓遊客通過穿戴設備個性化選擇同伴和遊覽環境。
II. The “Tourism + 3R” combination has a bright future to look forward to. The new generation of information technology that incorporates VR, AR and MR will revolutionize the ways humans live, produce and govern. And it is only reasonable that tourism, as a fashionable industry, adopts the latest technological results. The government and the market should work together to build a virtual tourism cloud platform, and jointly drive the development of a virtual tourism system in parallel with but also exceeding the existing geotourism resources. The “tourism + 3R” is applicable in the following six ways. The first use is in making tourism marketing materials. Tourism target objects that integrate food, shelter, travelling, touring, entertaining and shopping can be made into VR products, so that something more than just text, image, audio and video elements can be used in product introduction, presenting a more vivid appearance of the products with a more effective influence on people’s pre-travel decisions. This will also allow virtual experiences in certain destinations for those who are not able to actually travel there. In this year’s China International Tourism Commodities Fair, Fujian smart tourism companies used VR technology to simulate the products from Xiamen Free Trade Area, presenting a more intuitive scene for distance shopping. The second use is in remaking tourism target objects. With the AR technology, the history, story and culture of the target objects can be simulated and overlaid on the real world objects and become a component of the tourism item, realizing the integration of culture and tourism. Instead of just listening to oral or audio narration or watching video introduction, tourists can now have a more lively experience and a more vivid memory. In the exhibition venue, Fujian smart tourism companies simulated a virtual scene of leafing through the works by the famous writer Bing Xin in the VR of her former residence. The third use is in creating virtual tourism theme parks by applying AR and MR technologies and with popular stories as themes, which will cultivate a new type of tourism business. The fourth is in simulation of training scenes. With VR, the practical training courses on tourism service can be made into virtual scenes as a replacement of classroom instructions and internship. The existing tourism service training mode can be altered with both training and testing conducted in VR settings. The fifth is in developing tourism games. Using MR, the existing online game settings can be replaced with historical or real-time tourism target objects, turning touring into gaming, or the other way around. The sixth is in creating a cloud platform for enhancement of tourism scenes. Iconic figures, classic scenarios and music can be used as materials to create AR and MR products that can be applied on general basis, so that tourists can choose the company and touring environment they like via personalized wearable devices.
Although the cost of achieving these goals is relatively high, we shall see the benefits in the long run and embrace the whole undertaking. We should be confident that with great resolution we are able to keep up with the cutting-edge technologies and by applying them into the industry we will provide better service to tourists.
III. The adoption of Tourism+3R is a courageous endeavour by the tourism professionals. Tourism is a spiritual aspiration rising above daily necessities. It is a lifestyle adopted by people who can afford the time and money for such pursuit of better experience. The tourism industry differs from pillars of the economy and the adoption of the latest technologies in this industry has less social costs. Therefore, tourism people have all the reasons to be courageous in tapping into the latest achievements of human civilization and technology and by doing so in turn help promote and improve these new achievements. It is believed that tourism is related to over a hundred of other trades. Currently we are promoting the Tourism+ and Internet+ program and we have faith that the adoption of VR, AR and MR in tourism can also happen in other industries and will eventually spread to a wide range of industries.
女士們、先生們:今年被稱為VR元年, 2月27日在福州召開了中國·福建VR產業基地建設發展座談會,宣佈了福建省針對VR產業的支持政策,發佈了全球首個VR開放平臺。福州市人民政府聯合VR業界核心企業共同打造立足福建、面向全球構建世界領先的VR全產業生態系統,佈局VR行業應用、企業應用及公眾應用三大領域,以教育、旅遊、交通、醫療、文化、娛樂、遊戲等與人們生活密切相關的應用領域為突破口,快速推動VR產業的發展。今天,我們相聚美麗廈門,論道旅遊+VR、AR、MR。是響應福建省委省政府號召,是宣示福建省旅遊局決心在這個領域揚帆起航,是希望大家為福建旅遊+VR、AR、MR的發展出謀劃策,更是期待有識之士跟我們一起佈局旅遊+VR、AR、MR。
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year is regarded as the VR Year One. On February 27, the Forum of the Construction and Development of VR Industrial Base (Fujian, China) was held in Fuzhou. In the forum, the provincial government introduced its supportive policies for VR industry and inaugurated the first VR Open Platform in the world. The municipal government of Fuzhou is working with key players in VR industry to build a world-leading VR industrial eco-system that takes root in Fujian and is open to the whole world. The cooperative undertaking will seek to promote the application of VR technology in industries, enterprises and daily life and to accelerate the development of VR technology in industries closely related to people’s daily life, including: education, tourism, transportation, health, culture, entertainment and games. Today, we come to the beautiful City of Xaimen to exchange ideas about Tourism+VR, AR and MR. It is our answer to the call of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and it marks the sailing of Fujian Provincial Tourism Administration into the VR field. We are looking forward to working with more and more people in contributing to the development of Fujian Tourism+VR, AR and MR.
Fujian is endowed with rich tourist resources. Its 65.95% forest coverage has ranked first among all the provinces in the country for the past 38 years. It has the second longest coast line among all the provinces in the country and ranks the third in the amount of hot-spring resources. It is home to various famous teas and the Fujian Tulou is also the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. It is a place blessed with natural and cultural treasures and all we are doing now is making a greater whole more than the sum of them. We are inviting our friends from the media sector present here to join us in promoting our Beautiful Fujian. We are looking forward to making beautiful memories here with friends from all around the world.
Thank you!